Short-term blended mobility for UT students under Erasmus+ Europe

Erasmus+ mobility in higher education between Erasmus+ program countries - students can participate in exchange studies or go for a traineeship in program countries such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, France, Republic of North-Macedonia, Sweden, Romania, Germany, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.

Erasmus+ blended mobility is a short-term physical mobility combined with a virtual activity:

  • 5-30 days of physical (on-site) mobility carried out abroad (studies or traineeship);
  • Preceded or followed by virtual part of the mobility carried out remotely;
  • must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits;
  • can be carried out for studies or traineeship.

Blended mobility is open to all potential participants, but primarily targeted at those who have reasons not to go on a fully physical long-term mobility. Therefore there are higher mobility grants introduced for participants with fewer opportunities. Besides to the regular blended mobilities for all study levels PhD blended mobilities can be carried out where the short-term physical mobility (5-30 days) may or may not be preceded or followed by a virtual activity and there is no ECTS credits requirement. Virtual part and at least 3 ECTS are mandatory also for PhD students in case of participating in BIP.

Blended mobility for studies

A course designed and delivered in cooperation with partner universities is called Blended Intensive Program (BIP).

  • in cooperation of at least 3 universities from at least 3 Erasmus+ program countries;
  • minimum number of Erasmus+ participants from Erasmus+ program countries: 15;
  • physical mobility period carried out in the home country of the coordinating (receiving) university;
  • virtual component performed as a collaborative online learning.

BIPs aim to open up more opportunities for students to take part in blended mobilities, for example those in study fields where mobility opportunities have been limited or those who lack confidence to go abroad alone, potentially paving the way for their participation in long-term individual mobility later in their studies. Students of all study levels and study areas can participate, depending on the target group of the course designed.

Pre-conditions for blended mobility for studies (incl for PhD students):

  1. Partnership between universities, i.e Erasmus+ cooperation agreement set between the relevant faculty and the receiving university (covers blended mobility);
  2. Open call for applications organized by the academic unit: students are selected and nominated by the UT faculty, the final decision on accepting the students is made by the receiving university.

Check from the SoleMove destination search if there is currently an open call for any BIP mobility courses. To do this, select the competition named 'Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program' from the drop-down menu in the 'Application period' search field. The BIP competition will be available if any institute of the University of Tartu has an ongoing application round for a BIP course or if the ENLIGHT network's BIP mobility competition is open.

Blended mobility for traineeship

Short-term blended mobility can also be carried out for traineeship abroad (incl for PhD students). Unlike mobilities for studies, traineeship can be organized outside Erasmus+ cooperation agreements: students may complete the traineeship in any company or organisation (incl higher education institutions) whose area of activity or profile corresponds to the requirements set for the specific traineeship course. The process and documentation for short-term blended traineeship follows the principles set for regular long-term traineeships and can be found here.

Erasmus+ program terms

Other general Erasmus+ study abroad terms must be followed:

  • One must be classified as a degree-seeking student over the entire duration of studies abroad;
  • Participants for study mobility activities are selected within public calls performed by faculties, students planning traineeship abroad can apply for Erasmus+ grant within calls organized by Study Abroad Centre;
  • Student can participate in Erasmus+ activities all together up to 12 months in each study level (24 months in case of integrated study program);
  • Student can not participate in the different study abroad activities at the same time (incl virtually);
  • Study abroad period must fit into study period at UT (incl credit transfer), except for traineeships for recent graduates;
  • Before the mobility starts, OLS language test must be completed (participants whose mobility lasts 14 days or more);
  • Before the mobility starts, study plan must be submitted to the faculty and online learning agreement (OLA) or traineeship agreement signed (student, faculty, receiving university);
  • After the learning agreement has been approved but before the mobility starts, Erasmus+ grant agreement must be signed (student and Study Abroad Centre): grant is transferred based on the signed grant agreement within 1-2 weeks;
  • After the mobility period ends, reports must be submitted to the Study Abroad Centre (letter of confirmation, transcript of records, EU Survey, travel tickets/boarding passes in case of green travel and travel days support) via the SoleMove ("After mobility" tab of the application);
  • In order to get credit for the subject taken abroad as part of study program at UT transcript of records must also be submitted to the faculty.

Erasmus+ grants (individual support) are available for the short-term physical period of the blended mobility (including 1+1 travel days):

  • Up to the 14th day of activity - 79 EUR/day;
  • 15th to the 30th day of activity - 56 EUR/day.

Travel support

Starting from the spring semester of the 2024/25 academic year (project 2024), a top-up for travel costs is provided for students taking part BIP course. It is a one-time grant that covers the costs of travelling to and from a foreign university.

Participants can receive a bonus if using environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for the trip to the host country and back. This includes travel by train, bus, car pooling (with fellow students going for study abroad).

Travel distance* (one direction) Travel support (eco-friendly) Travel support (other means of travel)
10 – 99 km 56 EUR28 EUR
100 – 499 km285 EUR211 EUR
500 – 1999 km417 EUR309 EUR
2000 – 2999 km535 EUR395 EUR
3000 – 3999 km785 EUR580 EUR
4000 – 7999 km1188 EUR1188 EUR
8000 km and more1735 EUR1735 EUR

*The distance is calculated based on the European Commission's distance calculator.

Verification: travel tickets/boarding passes (to confirm the type and dates of travel). In other cases, the scholarship is calculated from the start date of the study abroad (when you have to be present related to studies), and the travel dates or arriving earlier is not included in the period supported. In case of the green way of travel, it is possible to extend the granted period of the study abroad by the travel dates due to longer trips. This is provided in case the actual travel dates prove it.

Additional support for the students with fewer opportunities*:

  • A top-up amount to the grant 100 EUR (study abroad up to 14 days) or 150 EUR (study abroad longer than 14 days).

*Fewer opportunities in blended mobility - student:
- who is granted with needs-based study allowance or needs-based special allowance (or UT support for Ukrainian students);
- parent of minor child/children;
- with foster care background;
- with diminished work ability;
- with health related special needs or chronic illness.

Inclusion support for participants with fewer opportunities
Inclusion support is designed to cover additional costs directly related to participants' fewer opportunities, which are not covered by the monthly additional grant. This support is particularly intended to address special physical or mental health needs, disabilities, or other health-related challenges. In specific cases, other participants with fewer opportunities may also apply for inclusion support if participation in study mobility would otherwise be impossible without this assistance. Examples of inclusion support include: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical assistance, assistive devices, adaptation of learning materials, support personnel, etc.

To apply for inclusion support, you must submit your application approximately six months before the start of your study mobility. The application will be assessed by both the university and the national agency. Support is based on the planned expenses; however, at the end of the exchange semester, you will need to provide documentation to confirm the incurred expenses. Acceptable proof includes: agreements (for services or products regulated by an agreement), invoices, payment orders, cash receipts. The expenses must be incurred during the study mobility period and directly by the participant. For more information and to obtain an application form, please contact the Scholarship Counsellor at the Study Abroad Centre.

Estonian government co-financing

Additional to Erasmus+ Program grant students of Estonian universities are supported with Estonian national grant 118 euros per participant (one-time payment).

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